Sacramento Regional Transit Southline Stations

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Sacramento Regional Transit District
Sacramento, CA

The HLA Group provided site design services for four intermodal facilities as part of Sacramento Regional Transit’s South Sacramento Corridor Phase 2 Light Rail Extension. Initial design concepts were presented to the community, Regional Transit, and other stakeholders for review and comment. This interactive process resulted in the selection of single design aesthetic to be implemented for each of the stations. Additionally, public artwork was coordinated with the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission and is incorporated into the site design. Morrison Creek Station Located within a future planned mixed-use development, the station provides for safe and efficient transfers to light rail by bus patrons, pedestrians, drop-off patrons, and users of the included 50 stall park and ride lot. The compact site led to an innovative approach that combines bus and vehicular circulation. Franklin Station Located at the confluence of major bus routes, bikeways, and pedestrian connections to adjacent residential neighborhoods, this station represents the gold standard of multi-modal transit facilities. Improvements for the station include a 650-stall park and ride lot, four-berth bus transfer area, and light rail platform. The HLA Group worked with the City of Sacramento, stakeholders, and Regional Transit to integrate programming requirements that ensure safe and efficient traffic patterns. Low impact design principles minimize stormwater runoff and increase user safety as a visual and physical barrier between the park and ride lot and the light rail tracks. Center Parkway Station This urban station serves local neighborhoods, an adjacent community college, and local bus routes. Relocated bus pull-outs facilitate access to the station and mitigate safety concerns by directing pedestrians to signalized street crossings. The HLA Group worked extensively with the City of Sacramento, Regional Transit, sanitation districts, and community members to resolve existing underground utility concerns while creating an attractive and usable public space.